📑Migration Walkthrough

Migration is now closed - https://news.egtoken.io/1896


  1. Have EG v1 tokens in your wallet

  2. Have at least $2 worth of BNB in your wallet (for gas fees)

You can see a video version of this Walkthrough on YouTube:


Step 1: Connect To EGMigrate

Follow the steps below for your wallet.


  1. Open the browser in the app:

  2. Click Connect wallet on EGMigrate:

  3. Select Metamask:

  4. Continue with Step 2.


If TrustWallet does not work, import your private keys into MetaMask and migrate using the MetaMask wallet.

  1. Open Trustwallet.

  2. Click on "Browser".

  3. Click on "Search or enter website URL":

  4. Enter the URL for EGMigrate www.egtoken.io/migrate

  5. Click Connect wallet on EGMigrate:

  6. Select WalletConnect:

  7. Click Connect and select your account:

  8. Continue with Step 2.


  1. Click Connect wallet on EGMigrate:

  2. Select Metamask:

  3. Continue with Step 2.

Step 2: Authenticate Your Wallet

Your wallet should be connected to EGMigrate now.

  1. Click 100% and Click Enable (This will allow the EGMigrate contract to access ELONGATE tokens in your wallet).

  2. Confirm Transaction Pop Up Appears:

  3. Confirm the Transaction in your wallet by clicking Confirm:

  4. Wait for the Transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain. You will get a Success Message. Press OK. EGMigrate can now access ELONGATE tokens in your wallet.

Note: By default, the EG v2 tokens are transferred to the same wallet, the one that is connected to EGMigrate.

If you want to send EG v2 tokens to a different wallet, please see our separate guideMigrating to Alternate Wallet on how to do so.

Step 3: Begin Migration

  1. Return to EGMigrate and Click Migrate:

  2. Review Trade Pop-Up Appears. Click Migrate:

Verify your wallet address is correct by checking the last 4 digits of your wallet displayed in this pop-up. This is where your EG v2 tokens will be sent.

Step 4: Confirm Migration

  1. Confirm Transaction Pop-Up Appears:

  2. Confirm the Transaction in your wallet by clicking Confirm:

  3. Awaiting Migration Confirmation pop-up appears. Please wait till the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain"

  4. Once the Transaction is confirmed, you will get a Success message.

  5. The migration is now complete.

EG v2 tokens should be available in your wallet.

If you cannot see the tokens in your wallet, follow this guide to add them manually.Add EG V2 to your wallet manually

You will also be able to see the migration logs in EGMigrate.

EG V2 trading begins on 20th Feb 2023 at 1700 UTC. The value of your tokens in MetaMask/TrustWallet will show as $0 which is expected. Once CoinMarketCap has listed the new token, you will then be able to see the value of your EG V2 tokens. In the meantime, you can use the manual calculator on CoinGecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/eg-token

Last updated