Q: What are the current reward % for each Gator category ?

A: Whenever rewards are distributed, they are divided using the following percentages to all holders.

Legendary: 45% - All Squad Hodlers: 35% - Common: 20%

So if 100,000 EG tokens are distributed, Legendary holders will share a reward pool of 45,500 tokens, All Squad Holders will share a reward pool of 35,000 tokens while the Common holders will share a reward pool of 20,000 EG tokens.

Q: Do I need to pay gas fees for staking/unstaking/withdrawing EG?

A: Yes, for any contract interaction on the blockchain, a gas fee needs to be paid which does not go to EG, but is distributed to all validators on the blockchain. You will need BNB (BEP-20) in your wallet to do this. We have optimized the code and made all the changes possible to minimize gas fees.

Q: Which Gator Gang NFTs can I stake?

A: You can stake Legendary and Common NFTs

Q: Which wallets are supported to connect to the Gator Gang Staking Platform?

A: MetaMask, Binance Wallet, and WalletConnect. TrustWallet users should use WalletConnect.

Q: What is an All-Squads Holder?

A: If you stake a common NFT from each squad (there are 8 in total), you become an All-Squad holder. You get a bigger share of the reward distribution which is better than staking 8 common NFTs. Note: Only 1 All-Squads holder is allowed per wallet.

Q: If I collect two sets of All-Squads within a single wallet, do I get an All-Squads holder reward twice?

A: No. You can only hold one set of all 8 squads in a wallet to qualify as an All-Squad holder. If you have 2 sets of all 8 for example, the first set makes you an All-Squad holder but the remaining 8 only count as common NFTs and will get a lower reward.

Q: How many different types of NFTs are there?

A: Total supply of Gator Gang is 8888. 3586 NFTs have been burnt leaving a total circulating supply of 5302 NFTs divided into 64 legendary and 8 Common Squads. The squads are: Adventure, Bling, Business, Chill, Love, Misfit, Party, and Space. The rarest squad is Space Squad which has 472 NFTs. This means that there can only be 472 All-Squads Holders.

Q: How many rewards will be distributed to stakers and how often?

A: Admin drop will happen at least once a month. We can do more drops if there are tokens available to do so. The source of funds for admin drop are:

  1. 1% fee from daily EG Buy/Sell Volume.

  2. 5% tax fee is taken from everyone who withdraws their EG token Balance in the NFT Staking Platform.

  3. Airdrops by EG Team & any partners/promoters.

  4. The wallet where the rewards will come from is - https://bscscan.com/address/0x9749cb4BD000A90f9f3eEdF3fBc978b466fF214E

Q: Is the GG NFT Staking platform safe to use?

A: Yes. We have implemented a number of features to make staking/unstaking a secure process.

  1. The website is HTTPS i.e protected by SSL.

  2. The GG NFT Smart contract has been audited by Vidma and received an impressive score of 99.60/100, with a codebase quality rating of 97.30/100. You can see the audit report here.

  3. We have implemented Message Signing upon wallet connect to ensure only authorized wallet holders can interact with the smart contract.

  4. If you want to unstake and stop EG from accessing your wallet/NFTs, you can Revoke access as shown in the question below.

Q: I do not want EG to access my NFTs/Wallet anymore. How do I revoke access?

A: When you connect your wallet to GG NFT Staking platform, we ask for access to your Gator Gang NFTs so that the smart contract can stake/unstake them. When you enable this access, You will see a message similar to below which is standard behavior when staking NFTs.

If for any reason in the future, you want to stop the GG NFT Staking platform from accessing your NFTs (for example If you do not want to stake anymore, you have sold your NFTs or for any other reason), you can revoke the access by using https://revoke.cash/

Q: Can I only withdraw a portion of my EG Rewards Balance?

A: No, your EG Balance can only be withdrawn in full.

Q: Can I withdraw my EG Rewards Balance to a separate wallet?

A: No, your EG Balance when withdrawn, is deposited into your own wallet. One they are in your wallet, you can always transfer these tokens manually to another wallet without paying any taxes.

Q: Is there any fee to pay when withdrawing my EG Rewards?

A: Yes, a 5% fee is charged upon withdrawal. 95% of tokens are sent to your wallet, while 5% are sent to the admin wallet to be distributed to all existing NFT stakers.

Q: Are there any examples of reward calculation available?

A: Yes, please see Reward Calculation Examples

Last updated